Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you have absoultely been found . . ."

I agree with Nina, this is so hard to write for you all to see! However, the fact that you all know is a huge motivator for me!!

Garrett & I weigh a combined total of 442.4 lbs. Our scale is digital, so it weighs to the ounce!

I am having a hard time getting started on my diet (I'm doing Weight Watchers again). Garrett left yesterday, and I want to emotionally eat. Send good thougths my way (weigh - ha ha)!!

Here's our fatty pictures . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am having a hard time getting started, too. Yesterday I had a brownie for breakfast! Time to get serious...sticky notes all over the house that say "Hawaii" on them!
This will be hard, but worth it, if we can do it!
love ya!